Results for 'Filip M. Nuyens'

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  1.  20
    A dual-systems perspective on temporal cognition: Implications for the role of emotion.Filip M. Nuyens & Mark D. Griffiths - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    This commentary explores how emotion fits in the dual-systems model of temporal cognition proposed by Hoerl & McCormack. The updating system would be affected by emotion via the attentional/arousal effect according to the attentional gate model. The reasoning system would be disrupted by emotion, especially for traumatic events. Time discrepancies described in the dual-systems model are also explained.
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  2. A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship.Filipe M. Santos - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (3):335-351.
    I propose a theory aimed at advancing scholarly research in social entrepreneurship. By highlighting the key trade-off between value creation and value capture and explaining when situations of simultaneous market and government failure may arise, I suggest that social entrepreneurship is the pursuit of sustainable solutions to neglected problems with positive externalities. I further discuss the situations in which problems with externalities are likely to be neglected and derive the central goal and logic of action of social entrepreneurs, in contrast (...)
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    A Ideia geral do "Aconselhamento filosófico".: Uma introduçao ao tema.Filipe M. Menezes - 2011 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 20 (39):101-140.
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    Who are we? Fanatics, that’s who.Filip M. Bardzinski - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 63:3-7.
    The Polish football fans community has been recently in the scope of several academic studies, concerning – mostly – numerous deviations presented by its members. What has been left underestimated is the formal and practical capacity the football fans community to influence both the public opinion, as well as local and national governments. Albeit controversial, the “fanatic” football fans characteristics are inherently inscribed in the personal identities of the group’s members; they exceed simple “friend-foe” distinctions, rather consisting of a complex (...)
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    Not as natural as it seems: the social history of the environment in American sociology.Filip M. Alexandrescu - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (5):47-80.
    This article argues against Catton and Dunlap’s claims that the natural environment has been ignored or downplayed in American sociology before the emergence of environmental sociology in the 1970s. By reviewing a collection of 86 sociology textbooks between 1894 and 1980, the article provides quantitative evidence regarding the scope and types of references to the natural environment in mainstream sociology. The bulk of the article is based on an interpretive-historical analysis of the different representations of the environment in the textbook (...)
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    Quantification of Respiratory and Muscular Perceived Exertions as Perceived Measures of Internal Loads During Domestic and Overseas Training Camps in Elite Futsal Players.Yu-Xian Lu, Filipe M. Clemente, Pedro Bezerra, Zachary J. Crowley-McHattan, Shih-Chung Cheng, Chia-Hua Chien, Cheng-Deng Kuo & Yung-Sheng Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe rating of perceived exertion scales with respiratory and muscular illustrations are recognized as simple and practical methods to understand individual psychometric characteristics in breathing and muscle exertion during exercise. However, the implementation of respiratory and muscular RPE to quantify training load in futsal training camps has not been examined. This study investigates respiratory and muscular RPE relationships during domestic training camps and overseas training camps in an under 20 futsal national team.MethodsData collected from eleven field players were used for (...)
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    Theoretical pluralism in psychoanalytic case studies.Jochem Willemsen, Shana Cornelis, Filip M. Geerardyn, Mattias Desmet, Reitske Meganck, Ruth Inslegers & Joachim M. B. D. Cauwe - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  8. Termos psicológicos disposicionais.Filipe Lazzeri & Jorge M. Oliveira-Castro - 2010 - Princípios 17 (28):155-183.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar uma reconstruçáo lógico-conceitual e avaliaçáo de três argumentos de Skinner para a tese de que os termos psicológicos comuns sáo, em geral, inadmissíveis em análise do comportamento (a tese da inadmissibilidade). Começamos fazendo uma revisáo da abordagem de tais termos sustentada por Skinner, particularmente sua abordagem das categoriais de termos psicológicos disposicionais. Muito dela é aqui aceito, mas adotamos, como hipótese de trabalho, um desacordo com a premissa de Skinner de que eles sejam (...)
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    Introdução ao problema da utilidade.Filipe P. S. M. Menezes - 2008 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 17 (33):339-421.
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    Cellular self‐organization: An overdrive in Cambrian diversity?Filip Vujovic, Neil Hunter & Ramin M. Farahani - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (10):2200033.
    During the early Cambrian period metazoan life forms diverged at an accelerated rate to occupy multiple ecological niches on earth. A variety of explanations have been proposed to address this major evolutionary phenomenon termed the “Cambrian explosion.” While most hypotheses address environmental, developmental, and ecological factors that facilitated evolutionary innovations, the biological basis for accelerated emergence of species diversity in the Cambrian period remains largely conjectural. Herein, we posit that morphogenesis by self‐organization enables the uncoupling of genomic mutational landscape from (...)
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    Effects of Dance Interventions on Aspects of the Participants' Self: A Systematic Review.Tina M. Schwender, Sarah Spengler, Christina Oedl & Filip Mess - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Opening the Implicit Leadership Theories’ Black Box: An Experimental Approach with Conjoint Analysis.Gustavo M. Tavares, Filipe Sobral, Rafael Goldszmidt & Felipe Araújo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  13.  17
    The Power of Empowerment: Predictors and Benefits of Shared Leadership in Organizations.Charlotte M. Edelmann, Filip Boen & Katrien Fransen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Leadership plays an essential part in creating competitive advantage and well-being among employees. One way in which formal leaders can deal with the variety of responsibilities that comes with their role is to share their responsibilities with team members (i.e., shared leadership). Although there is abundant literature on how high-quality peer leadership benefits team effectiveness (TE) and well-being, there is only limited evidence about the underpinning mechanisms of these relationships and how the formal leader can support this process. To address (...)
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    Křest̓anství a filosofie: postavy latinské tradice: Augustinus, Boëthius, Jan Eriugena, Anselm z Canterbury, Tomáš Akvinský, Jan Duns Scotus.Lenka Karfíková, Filip Karfík, Václav Němec & František Vilím (eds.) - 1994 - Praha: Česká křest̕anská akademie.
  15. M. Tuominen, Apprehension and Argument: Ancient Theories of Starting Points for Knowledge. [REVIEW]Filip Grgic - 2008 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2.
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    Pironizam i relativizam.Filip Grgić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):823-841.
    U ovom se radu pokušava pokazati da postoji određena vrsta relativizma koja je spojiva sa skepticizmom Seksta Empirika. Tvrdi se da se u PH I.217–219 Protagora ne shvaća kao aletički ili epistemički relativist, nego kao relativist u minimalnom smislu riječi, te da takvo stajalište nije protivno pironizmu kako ga Sekst karakterizira u PH I. Potom se pokazuje da nam prihvaćanje toga aspekta pironizma može pomoći da objasnimo neke inače problematične relativističke zaključke što ih nalazimo u Sekstovim spisima, naročito u M (...)
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    Psychoanalityczne i egzystencjalne problemy twórczości.Filip Maj - 2009 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 15:143-153.
    W tekście podjęty zotał problem twórczości i osobowości artysty z perspektywy niektórych XX-wiecznych teorii, psychoanalizy, psychologii analitycznej i egzystencjalnej. Twórczość może być formą rozwiązania konfliktu i przemiany energii seksualnej, formą obrony psychologicznej i odbudowy swojego,,ja”, czynnością harmonizowania swojego,,cienia” ze sobą i wyrazem archetypu, sposobem przekroczenia swojego typu psychologicznego i rozwoju osobowości, a także mistycznym połączeniem przedmiotu i podmiotu oraz egzystencjalną psychosyntezą.
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    46. M I – VI als Schlüssel zu Sextos Empeirikos’ Schriften.Filip Karfík & Jan Janda - 2008 - In Filip Karfík & Jan Janda (eds.), Studien zu Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius und zur pyrrhonischen Skepsis. Walter de Gruyter.
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  19. Současné teorie sociálního rozumění na pozadí sporu a antropologickou diferenci.Filip Jaroš - 2018 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 40 (1):3-27.
    Tato studie je inspirována knížkou Petra Urbana Jak rozumíme druhým? Studie o sociálním rozumění a sdílení světa nejen u člověka a věnuje se současným diskuzím o povaze sociálního rozumění, zejména v případě nelinguálních tvorů. Nejvýraznější pozice zastává na jedné straně skupina srovnávacích psychologů kolem M. Tomasella, která vychází z filosofů kolektivní intencionality, na straně druhé D. Leavens a K. Bardová, kteří mají blízko k interaktivistické interpretaci problému sociálního rozumění. Bude ukázáno, že rozdíly ve výsledcích empirických výzkumů mají základ v ontologických (...)
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  20. Problem szczelinowości w fenomenologii Romana Ingardena.Filip Kobiela - 2011 - In Adam Węgrzecki (ed.), W kręgu myśli Romana Ingardena.
    W filozofii czasu Ingardena szczególną rolę odgrywa charakterystyka ontologiczna teraźniejszości. Należy do niej szczelinowość. Okazuje się, że pojęcie to można powiązać z koncepcją tzw. teraźniejszości pozornej (specious present). Opierając się ponadto na pewnych rozważaniach S. Lema oraz B. Ogrodnika wiążę różne wartości szczelinowości (trwania kwantu teraźniejszości), ze złożonością formalną budowy przedmiotów. Uogólnienie tych wyników umożliwia dopełnienie rozważań Ingardena nad szczelinowością – sformułowanie zarysu ontologicznej teorii względności trwania teraźniejszości.
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  21. Boyle, Spinoza and Glauber: On the Philosophical Redintegration of Saltpeter A Reply to Antonio Clericuzio.Filip A. A. Buyse - manuscript
    Traditionally, the so-called ‘redintegration experiment’ is at the center of the comments on the supposed Boyle/Spinoza correspondence. A. Clericuzio argued (refuting the interpretation by R.A. & M.B. Hall) in his influential publications that, in De nitro, Boyle accounted for the ‘redintegration’ of saltpeter on the grounds of the chemical properties of corpuscles and did not make any attempt to deduce them from the mechanical principles. By contrast, this paper claims that with his De nitro Boyle wanted to illustrate and promote (...)
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    HegelJ.M. FRITZMAN Polity Press, 2014. vii + 185 pp. [REVIEW]Birsen Filip - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (3):561-562.
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    Humans on Top, Humans among the Other Animals: Narratives of Anthropological Difference.Filip Jaroš & Timo Maran - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (3):381-403.
    The relationship of humans to other primates – both in terms of abilities and evolution - has been an age-old topic of dispute in science. In this paper the claim is made that the different views of authors are based not so much on differences in empirical evidence, but on the ontological stances of the authors and the underlying ground narratives that they use. For comparing and reconciling the views presented by the representatives of, inter alia, cognitive ethology, comparative psychology, (...)
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    14. Diogenes Laertius IX 101 und Sextus Empiricus M XI 69—75.Filip Karfík & Jan Janda - 2008 - In Filip Karfík & Jan Janda (eds.), Studien zu Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius und zur pyrrhonischen Skepsis. Walter de Gruyter.
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  25. Charles Darwin a naturalistické koncepce člověka.Filip Tvrdý - 2011 - In Tomáš Nejeschleba, Václav Němec & Monika Recinová (eds.), Pojetí člověka v dějinách a současnosti filozofie II: Od Kanta po současnost. pp. 33-41.
    In 2009, we celebrated the bicentennial of the birth of Charles Darwin and the sesquicentennial of the publication of his book The Origin of Species. This seems to be a good opportunity to evaluate the importance of Darwin’s work for the social sciences, mainly for philosophical anthropology. The aim of this paper is to discuss the traditional anthropocentric conceptions of man, which consider our biological species to be exceptional – qualitatively higher than other living organisms. Over the course of the (...)
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    Filipe Carreira da Silva, Mead and Modernity. Science, Selfhood and Democratic Poli.Anna M. Nieddu - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (2).
    George H. Mead: A Therapy for the Malaise of Modernity? In his recent volume on Mead, Filipe Carreira da Silva proposes an interpretation of the pragmatist’s thought that develops through three fundamental points of reference. According to the author, science, selfhood and democratic politics constitute “the pillars” of a new approach to the problem of modernity; an approach in which the mutual interchange between these moments projects on the theoretical level a reflection of the relational...
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    Evoluční etika Franse de Waala a její filozofické reflexe.Filip Jaroš & Adéla Šrůtková - 2017 - Filosofie Dnes 9 (1):52-70.
    Článek představuje teorii původu lidské morálky od Franse de Waala a zhodnocuje přínos filozofických komentářů od Christine M. Korsgaardové a Mary Midgleyové z hlediska oboru evoluční etiky. Základní struktura de Waalova přístupu je v souladu se sentimentalistickou teorií morálky, která určuje soucítění jako bazální morální cit. V interpretaci vlivné neodarwinistické genocentrické školy dále hraje zásadní roli altruismus. Stoupenci tohoto směru (R. Dawkins, G. C. Williams) nicméně obhajují rozdělení krutého světa přírody a etického světa lidské kultury; distinkce byla Fransem de Waalem (...)
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    Ivana Spasić-Značenje susreta: Gofmanaova sociologija interakcije, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Filip Višnjić, Beograd, 1996.Aljoša M. Mimica - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):411-414.
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    Ljubomir Tadić: Rhetoric, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Filip Višnjić, Beograd 1995.Dragoljub M. Mićunović - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (8):229-230.
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    A colorful walk, but is it on the mental number line? Reply to Cohen Kadosh, Tzelgov, and Henik.Tom Verguts & Filip Van Opstal - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):558-563.
    Cohen Kadosh, Tzelgov, and Henik [Cohen Kadosh, R., Tzelgov, J., and Henik, A. (2008). A synesthetic walk on the number line: The size effect. Cognition, 106, 548-557] present a new paradigm to probe properties of the mental number line. They describe two experiments which they argue to be inconsistent with the exact small number model proposed by Verguts, Fias, and Stevens [Verguts, T., Fias, W., Stevens, M. (2005). A model of exact small-number representation. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 12, 66-80]. We (...)
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    Using MCDA to select countermeasures against fake news.João Varela da Costa, Daniel Filipe Dongo & Miguel Mira da Silva - 2025 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 23 (1):54-103.
    Purpose The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the applicability of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) through a systematic approach using M-Macbeth to present alternatives for mitigating high-impact instances of disinformation in a community and measure the attractiveness of the options. Design/methodology/approach The recent advent of Fake News (FN) and disinformation poses a significant threat to a community, organisation or individual, contributing to the erosion of public trust in institutions and democracy. This is aggravated should the authors consider the multiplicity (...)
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    Knowing Students' Characteristics: Opportunities to Adapt Physical Education Teaching.Alina Kirch, Melina Schnitzius, Sarah Spengler, Simon Blaschke & Filip Mess - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:619944.
    Physical Education (PE) aims to convey the joy of exercise and by this educate students to lifelong physical activeness. Student motivation in PE decreases during the school career. This study therefore comprehensively analyzes student characteristics determining motivation in PE:General Personality Traits, Physical Self-Concept, Achievement Motive, Motives to be physically active, andSports Interest. This contribution aims to describe students' prerequisites in the PE context by using an aggregated assessment of the abovementioned general plus sport specific characteristics and to detect gender, class, (...)
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    Toward A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship. On Maximizing Versus Satisficing Value Capture.Alejandro Agafonow - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (4):1-5.
    In a recent issue of the Journal of Business Ethics, Filipe M. Santos posits that social entrepreneurs maximize not on value capture, but on value creation, only satisficing on value capture to fuel operations, reinvesting in growth, whatever the specific combination of institutional means is deemed appropriate. No doubt the analytical framework of value creation and value capture casts new light on the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship, but we think Santos is asking too much by advocating a shift in focus (...)
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  34.  13
    Bioethics in Singapore: The Ethical Microcosm.John Elliott, W. Calvin Ho & Sylvia S. N. Lim (eds.) - 2010 - World Scientific.
    The coming of bioethics to Singapore / W. Calvin Ho and Sylvia S.N. Lim -- The impact of the bioethics advisory committee on the research community in Singapore / Charmaine K.M. Chan and Edison T. Liu -- Engaging the public : the role of the media / Chang Ai-Lien and Judith Tan -- Confucian trust and the biomedical regulatory framework in Singapore / Anh Tuan Nuyen -- The clinician-researcher : a servant of two masters? / Alastair V. Campbell, Jacqueline Chin, (...)
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  35. Descartes: The Arguments of the Philosophers.M. D. Wilson - 1978
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  36. A model of pre-attentive region definition in visual patterns.M. Pabst, H. J. Reitboeck & R. Eckhorn - 1989 - In Rodney M. J. Cotterill (ed.), Models of Brain Function. Cambridge University Press. pp. 137--150.
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  37. Fatalism.M. Bernstein - 2001 - In Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  38. On the Legal and Moral Status of Abortion.M. A. Warren - 1997 - In Hugh LaFollette - (ed.), Ethics in Practice. Blackwell.
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    Inner speech as a cognitive process mediating self-consciousness and inhibiting self-deception.M. Siegrist - 1995 - Psychological Reports 76:259-65.
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    Mechanisms of remembering the past and imagining the future – New data from autobiographical memory tasks in a lifespan approach.M. Abram, L. Picard, B. Navarro & P. Piolino - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:76-89.
  41. A Semantics for Degree Questions Based on Intervals: Negative Islands and Their Obviation: Articles.M. árta AbrusáN. & Benjamin Spector - 2011 - Journal of Semantics 28 (1):107-147.
    According to the standard analysis of degree questions, the logical form of a degree question contains a variable that ranges over individual degrees and is bound by the degree question operator how. In contrast with this, we claim that the variable bound by the degree question operator how does not range over individual degrees but over intervals of degrees, by analogy with Schwarzschild and Wilkinson's proposal regarding the semantics of comparative clauses. Not only does the interval-based semantics predict the existence (...)
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  42. Obligations and prohibitions in Talmudic deontic logic.M. Abraham, D. M. Gabbay & U. Schild - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 19 (2-3):117-148.
    This paper examines the deontic logic of the Talmud. We shall find, by looking at examples, that at first approximation we need deontic logic with several connectives: O T A Talmudic obligation F T A Talmudic prohibition F D A Standard deontic prohibition O D A Standard deontic obligation. In classical logic one would have expected that deontic obligation O D is definable by $O_DA \equiv F_D\neg A$ and that O T and F T are connected by $O_TA \equiv F_T\neg (...)
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  43. Faḍāʼil Ahl al-Bayt ʻalayhim al-salām bayna taḥrīf al-mudawwinīn wa-tanāquḍ manāhij al-muḥaddithīn: dirāsah li-ithbāt wuqūʻ al-taḥrīf wa-al-tanāquḍ fī maṣādir al-Ḥadīth wa-qawāʻidihi ʻinda al-ʻāmmah wa-athar dhālik fī faḍāʼil Ahl al-Bayt ʻalayhim al-salām.Wisām Burhān Baldāwī - 2012 - Karbilāʼ: Qism al-Shuʼūn al-Fikrīyah wa-al-Thaqāfīyah fī al-ʻAtabah al-Ḥusaynīyah al-Muqaddasah.
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    Locke,.M. A. Stewart - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (2).
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    Exploring the ethics and psychological impact of deception in psychological research.M. H. Boynton, D. B. Portnoy & B. T. Johnson - 2013 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 35 (2):7-13.
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    Hume's Philosophy in Historical Perspective.M. A. Stewart - 2022 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    David Hume was a highly original thinker. Nevertheless, he was a writer of his time and place in the history of philosophy. In this book, M. A. Stewart puts Hume’s writing in context, particularly that of his native Scotland, but also that of British and European philosophy more generally. Through meticulous research Stewart brings to life the circumstances by means of which we can get a deeper understanding of Hume’s writings on the nature and reach of human reason, the foundation (...)
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    Do Tanzanian hospitals need healthcare ethics committees? Report on the 2014 Dartmouth/Penn Research Ethics Training and Program Development for Tanzania (DPRET) workshop.M. Aboud, D. Bukini, R. Waddell, L. Peterson, R. Joseph, B. M. Morris, J. Shayo, K. Williams, J. F. Merz & C. M. Ulrich - 2018 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 11 (2):75.
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    Non-monotonic reasoning with normative conflicts in multi-agent deontic logic.M. Beirlaen & C. Strasser - 2013 - Journal of Logic and Computation 24 (6):1179–1207.
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    Hemispheric Asymmetry in Attention and its Impact on Our Consciousness: A Review with Reference to Altered Conscioussness in Right Hemisphere Damaged Subjects.M. Chakrabarty, D. Badgio, J. Ptacek, A. Biswas, M. Ghosal & G. Chatterjee - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (7-8):51-78.
    Attention and consciousness are two distinct neural processes which are intricately intertwined. However, there is asymmetry in the distribution of attentional abilities across the two hemispheres. The right hemisphere is asserted to be dominant for attentional abilities. Research suggests that the ventral frontoparietal cortex of the right hemisphere is dominant for exogenous attentional abilities, attention is phylogenetically more primitive than endogenous attention, and, compared to the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere is more adept at abilities and functions that are of (...)
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  50. Guido Boella Dov M. Gabbay Leendert van der Torre Serena Villata.Dov M. Gabbay - 2006 - Studia Logica 82:1-59.
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